Season 1, Episode 21

#021 - Teaming Up for Steelhead and Salmon

Episode Show Notes

Published June 30th, 2020


Taking a step back from science this week to bring a bit of youth to the show. Some anglers prefer to fish alone, others with a partner. I’ve mostly been a solo person. Millennial angler Lee Geist is back along with his close friend, Carson Churchill — a dynamic duo of hardcore anglers who are best fishing buddies that cover almost all of Western Washington in search of steelhead and salmon.  These two young cats talk about their history of fishing together, including their first meeting and subsequent fishing trip, how they approach steelhead, and their favorite tactics for spring Chinook.

Lastly, we hit on the status of their summer steelhead fishing to date and reflect a bit on the OP winter steelhead season, the closures, and bounce ideas back and forth about what steps we are willing to take to keep rivers open for winter steelheading.

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